Eftir að hafa sent honum Langa Manga Harry nokkra póst hefur hann loksins sett sig í samband við mig. Hann reyndi að hringja nokkrum sinnum í mig á Skype og eins hefur hann sent mér skilaboð þar (sjá mynd hér til hliðar).
Og nú veit ég hvernig hann lítur út. Það er svo miklu betra að vita hvernig vinir mans líta út.
Nú svo fékk líka póst frá honum kl. 6:25 í morgun. Þar sem hann fagnar því eins og ég að við skulum vera að smella svona vel saman. Alvöru bonding í uppsiglingu. En hann er ekkert að hanga á aukaatriðum og vindur sér beint í aðkallandi viðskipti, setur á mig pressu að klára dílinn á næstu 48 stundum og vill líka fá að vita meira um mig. Eðlilega.
Nú er það svo spurningin hvort að ég eigi að nenna að rugla meira í honum.
Ath. Ég mæli EKKI með því að fólk hafi þennan fíflaskap í mér til eftirbreytni.
En svona hefur þetta gegnið fyrir sig fram að þessu:
Póstur nr. 1 frá mér. sent um kl 16:00 í gær (lau 09.02).Helping you
Dear Mr. L. Harry,
I was flabbergasted to read you mail. It is terrible to hear how government tread it's people. I want to fight for the freedom and for the justice and I am willing to to what I can to help you.
First I have some questions to you.
How did you get to learn my email address (I can see that you also have gmail, I think this is very good system). I have only be on the internet since December? Since I now own my fathers company and I am the boss now I got the computers for me.
Because this is so much money, can it not be dangerous for me to take them all? I am thinking about the police in my country. Can they not see if all this money come to me? I am also thinking about the tax authorities! Iceland is the very small country. How can we get all this money to me without no one knowing about it?
I am very exited to do this, but I will not do this if very dangerous. My mother will not accept that I do anything illegal and dangerous so I need to take care.
I can easy put money in investments on my market such as Real Estate, Land and Telecommunication. Actually there is a big opportunity coming on my market in end this month. The government is privatizing the telecommunication and I am allowed to buy so much that I can not buy it all.
How can we do this? It is quite some travel for you to come to Iceland, I think best fly London and then Iceland.
Very best to you,
G Wellman.
--- o ---
Póstur nr. 2 - sent um 19:30
Its me again
Dear Mr. Harry,
I have been waiting on you to come back onto me. I think that I can help you and your offer that I can keep 25% of the money, makes me very horny to help also. I think that ass I am in Iceland you are very lucky because the police is not so much strong. I have been thinking on how we can get the money to Iceland. I do not know how the diplomat channel work, but If they money is all in money bills then I have a very good idea now. My company sells paint in my country. We do import paint from some different countries so what we can do is that my company buy from a company somewhere in the world paint. We put money in the paint cans, they can be 25l big. I don't know how much 100 dollar money we can get into a 25 l can but I think its a lot. But 37,7 million in $100 bills is 377,000 bills so thats also a very lot. Do you know how much space is needed?
I am so horny about this and would like to get going with you right on.
Please come into me ass soon ass possible.
G Wellmann.
PS. I have also added you to my skype (xxxxxx) ass you told me.
--- o ---
Póstur nr. 3. - sent um miðnætti
Still waiting
--- o ---
Hér er svo loks svarið frá honum, sem hann sendir 6:25 og byrjar að reyna að ná í mig á Skype'inu strax í kjölfarið:
I m very delighted to hearing from you and may Almighty God be with your family and you. I have a wife and three children, i lost my wife during the Civil war and two of my children, i have just a little daughter of 17years old left now who has been living with her Mom's cousin before the War was fueled by the former Pres. Charles Taylor. I m under house arrest ever since the regime of the former Pres. due to been an opposer to his administration so and ever since then i have been working towards my release but i was told to be patient, thats why i m under house arrest, i guess everything will be alright and with your help i will be able to accomplish my dreams.
So now, your full name, address, telephone and fax number is required for the delivery and remember that this is confidential as no one knows the content of the Luggages and make sure you remember the content of the Luggages as i want you receive the luggages as it will be delivered to your address in the next 48hours because i have paid for the deposit and delivery of the Luggages to anywhere but i also want to know if you will invest it rightful for me till i can travel to meet with you, i await to hear from you now on Skype and add me, stay blessed.
--- o ---
Ég sendi vini mínum bréf um hæl (10.02). Hérna kynni ég fyrir honum ættbálkinum mínum og kem því líka til skila að ég kunni að vera upptekinn næstu daga. Endalaust rugl.
Dear Harry,
I am shitting on a meeting with my clan now, I got this computer on a loan (from lady very nice). I am listen to a clan boss (very strong man) tell about how we need to cut our costs and and also get new ideas for new business. Þórshamar, my clan, is the second biggest or third biggest and strongest clan in my country and we want to become even stronger in the future near.
I was so sorry not to be at home when you called me on the skype, But I was really having very fun clubbing all night. But it is lot terreble to hearing so abouot your family, this must be hard to life in such a country. I hope your daugther is also very well. I can not imaging how it would be on house assrest, when will you be finished, how much can you take of shit, how long do you need to be patient?
You did not tell me how you learned about me? Was that through Þórshamar? It is very important for me to know this as I am working on becoming boss in the clan sometimes, so I need to know thing like this. Important.
I also feel that I need to talk to my guardian at the clan council, I feel he must know what I should do.Is that OK? He is like my father.
My schedule is busy. The clan meeting is the whole day and I must do some work for the clan tomorrow afternoon, and might also need to fly to London in the week. So I think that we can not set everything up in that 48 hours time.
All the very best
--- o ---
Vinur minn (LH) hefur ítrekað reynt að ná í mig á skype. Ég forðast hann af tveimur ástæðum; í fyrsta lagi þá er ég ekkert viss um hvað ég vilji gera við þetta, er að velta því fyrir mér hvort að ekki sé betra að koma boltanum á einhverja aðra og hitt að partur af mínum leik er að toga þetta dæmi og teygja eins mikið og ég get.
Hér að neðan eru texta skilaboð af Skype, en svo hringjumst við á fram og til baka. Ég hringi aðeins þegar hann er offline (hann sér það þegar hann loggar sig inn) og svo svara ég honum ekki þegar hann hringir.
[10.2.2008 00:55:54] GW says: Hello
[10.2.2008 00:56:35] GW says: Dear Mr. L Harry
[10.2.2008 06:34:17] Mr. LH says: Its me
[10.2.2008 06:34:17] Mr. LH says: Hello brother
[10.2.2008 06:35:51] Mr. LH says: How are you doing brother ?
[10.2.2008 06:36:38] Mr. LH says: How is your family and work ?
[10.2.2008 06:48:56] Mr. LH says: Let me take a rest as my health is not good
[10.2.2008 06:50:05] Mr. LH says: Kindly forward the address to my email and remember that the content of the Luggages are strictly confidential btw u n i
[10.2.2008 06:50:23] Mr. LH says: I will talk to you better when you are online
[10.2.2008 14:03:26] GW says: I misst your call, was out last night. You know clubbing and such. My clan, Þórshamar, is having a clan council meeting the whole sunday (today) so I will be there until late. I am then sending you a e-mail. Hope all is good.
[10.2.2008 21:26:35] GW says: You are not very much on line. I am always trying to get hold you. I'm off from the clan meeting now, we are going to get something to eat and drink now. So I will not be on line soon again. Bad to miss you. Hope not to miss you next time. Send email. Best of luck. GW
[05:23:21] Mr. LH says: Hello brother
[05:23:28] Mr. LH says: Good morning to you
[05:23:33] Mr. LH says: How are you doing ?
[07:43:59] Mr. LH says: Hello brother
[07:46:19] Mr. LH says: Are you there ?
[08:41:28] GW says: We keep missing each other. It is the time difference, it must be. I am now out for work and will not be on line today. Please send answer to the questions in my last email. I need to know before we proceed!
[08:52:40] Mr. LH says: Brother, i m here now
[08:52:51] Mr. LH says: Talk to me if you are there at least for some minutes before you leave again
[14:39:16] Mr. LH says: hello
[17:04:56] GW says: Hi
[17:05:54] GW says: Ok you are ofline. Strange you are never online when I am. I will now not be online for two days. Then I will be back on Thuesday.
[17:07:05] GW says: Hope that we can talk then, but you can always send me email. I need to understand why you are asking me to help. See my email. By for now. I hope all is fine. Br. GW
--- o ---
Jæja sagan heldur áfram. Ég sendi Hr. Langa Manga Harry póst í kvöld. Hann var svona:
My friend,
I am on the airport in the Glasgow the Scotland now. Waiting for the private the jet to take me to the London. I have some drinking of the Whiskey now, and then we will do some maximo clubbing to night - the Soho district you know ho ho.
I understand you are in the between the rock and the hard place and you need to move the fast forward the full speed. I am sorry that I can not the help you right now. But say if you can the wait for they two days.
Also it is the important that you tell me how did you the learn that I am? This maybe not the much the important any more, now as I have told my the clan guardian and got the permission to do this from him. But he wants to know: How the big is the luggage, how many the cases, how the big are the cases and how the heavy are they? And also he wants to know you can the ship the luggage to the Iceland, the Vestmannaeyja-airport?
Please be the patient and I hope that you are feeling the better now.
Kind regards and the god bless.
PS. cheers
og svarið sem ég fékk kl 20:20 var þetta:
Dear Brother,
Thanks for your e-mail brother, i appreciate your responses, i wish you a perfect safe and lovely journey, i actually got your name on Skype then i copied it and pray to it that almighty God should give you the grace, power and respect to help me accomplish my mission as you will never regret it then i contacted you.
The Luggages are not that big to contain the $37.7m USD, the Luggages are two (2) and not veeery heavy, the measurement should be around 3feets long and 2feets high. I have planned on the Delivery of the Luggages to you within 48hours as i have paid for the deposit and delivery of the Luggages to your address so all i need from you now is trust and sincerity to handle this fund for me as i have already lost $4m USD to someone and i never want this to happen again.
The Luggages will be delivered to you by the Vault manager of the Security coy that i deposited the Luggages on May 1st 2006, every arrangement has been made on the Delivery all i need from you is trust as i keep on saying this because the fund is all i have left in my life and i know that you will never betray me and i will never deceive you. I await to hear from you and mind you if you are about to contact the Vault manager do not disclose the content of the Luggages as they are confidential, i will be waiting patiently to hear from us.
Mr. L Harry
Æi mikið askoti er hann Herra Langi Mangi óheppinn, 4 milljónir dollara horfnir sí sona - stolið af einhverjum bölvuðum skúrk.
Hvað um það nú blasir við að hræra eitthvað í þessu með "Vault manager, Security coy" dæmi, ekki satt? Ég skrifa honum eitthvað nett um hádegisbilið á morgun - enda vaknar maður ekkert mjög snemma eftir gott "ho ho í Soho".
Annars er bölvaður að gera hosur sínar grænar við fleiri Netverja. Þetta samtal átti ég við Langa Manga undir mínu eigin eigin Skype. Ætli þetta þýði að honum sé ekki treystandi?
Það sem vakti fyrir mér í þessu samtali var að færa hann frá mínu Skype nafni eitthvað annað og halda því opnu að það sé hægt að halda tveimur boltum á lofti í framhaldi.
Það er athygli vert að sjá hvernig hann svingar Guð og Jesús á manna.
[19:54:40] Herra LH says: Hello brother
[19:56:10] VHV says: what?
[19:56:27] Herra LH says: Did you reeceive the message i sent to you ?
[19:56:47] VHV says: hum what message?
[19:57:00] VHV says: who are you? may I ask?
[19:57:17] Herra LH says: Its my pleasure to introduce myself
to you, I'm Herra LH by name, a nationality of Liberia.
Presently I'm in an unsafe situation and the tight clutches of my
native government who has confiscate my properties and my freedom all
in a bid to finance its reform programmes in the past few years so
this warrants my conversation very little till i confirm our business
I worked hard in my early years as a Construction Engineer and a Gem
merchant. I have a wife and three children, i lost all of them during
the Civil war. So right now the internet for now is my only uncensored
link to the outside world and i will appreciate it if you take me very
grave as you'll be well compensated for your effort and assistance. I
will need to tell you that all required arrangements have been made
for the transfer of the Luggages through a diplomatic channel to your
secured home or office address.
The shipment of the Luggages will start and be delivered to you in
the 48hrs once i am in receipt of your details which entails your full
name, address, telephone and fax numbers. The diplomatic is not aware
of the content as funds but the Luggage's would be marked "Diplomatic
Luggage's" and it should be between the both of us until you receive
the Luggage's.
The said funds is total $USD37.7Million all in $USD100 bills, I am
willing to give out 25% of this total sum to you for your assistance
and partnership while 75% will be invested in any of the three
sectors, Real Estate and Land, Transportation or Telecommunication
till I can travel to meet with you. I would be waiting for your
details so that we can proceed. Kindly reply to my email
xxxxx@gmail.com with the details and add me to your Skype
so that we can converse more. Thanks
[19:57:26] VHV says: ok ok, this is you
[19:57:40] VHV says: what is happening
[19:58:01] Herra LH says: Have you read it ?
[19:58:31] VHV says: wait
[19:59:14] Herra LH says: Ok
[19:59:37] VHV says: this is a lot of money man
[20:00:13] Herra LH says: Yes thats why i need to know if you
can be trusted and can handle large fund
[20:01:55] VHV says: what do I need to do
[20:03:41] Herra LH says: All i need from you is trust and
sincerity as i have already lost $4mUSD to someone last month
[20:03:52] Herra LH says: Thats why i want to know f you can
be trusted and can handle large fund
[20:04:30] VHV says: say what, 4 million US dollar -
how is that possible?
[20:04:57] VHV says: I don't understand all this
[20:06:26] Herra LH says: I have $37.7m USD in two Luggages,
he helped me receive one of the Luggages remaining two out of three
[20:06:46] Herra LH says: So he ran away with the little one
and never hear from him.
[20:06:57] Herra LH says: Did you read the proposal i sent to you ?
[20:07:16] VHV says: wow
[20:07:24] VHV says: this is not good
[20:07:51] Herra LH says: Can you be trusted and can you
handle large fund
[20:07:55] VHV says: but it might be difficult to take
so much money at once
[20:08:25] Herra LH says: No problem, i have make every
necessary arrangement for the delivery of the Luggages to
anywhere...all i need is trust and confidence.
[20:08:33] Herra LH says: Add me to your Skype now.
[20:09:21] VHV says: this is not my computer, it is at
a home of a relative
[20:09:42] Herra LH says: Okay, whats your name, age, job and
location ?
[20:09:44] VHV says: maybe i can add you when i am back at home
[20:10:37] VHV says: is that ok
[20:10:59] Herra LH says: Is this not your own Skype ?
[20:11:07] VHV says: no no
[20:11:28] Herra LH says: Okay, whats your name, age, job and
location ?
[20:11:28] VHV says: i dont have skype, but i have been
planing on getting a account any way
[20:12:06] Herra LH says: you can do that right away, just
log out and sign up instead
[20:12:17] VHV says: My name is Fardu I Rassgat and I am 32
[20:13:09] VHV says: I am from Norway, but live now in
Spain, doing real estate wiht my family
[20:13:37] Herra LH says: Okay brother, log out this Skype and sign up.
[20:13:49] Herra LH says: Remember my Skype ID (xxxxxxxx)
[20:13:54] VHV says: is it better to use my computer?
[20:15:15] VHV says: i dont think it is good idea that
I use others computer if we are to be confidetial
[20:15:24] Herra LH says: It doesnt matter as long as you
have your own skype.
[20:17:20] VHV says: I now that people can see what
they have been saying on the computer. The find some file somewhare on
the computer where the whore conversation is. So I better sing up at
my home.
[20:17:32] VHV says: Can we meet tomorrow same time?
[20:17:59] VHV says: I skype you xxxxx , I don't
know that my name will be
[20:18:14] VHV says: my aunt is coming now so I must go
[20:18:21] VHV says: is it ok to
[20:18:25] VHV says: to meet to morrow
[20:18:54] VHV says: same time
[20:19:01] Herra LH says: Okay brother, make sure you get to
your skype and come talking to me.
[20:19:11] Herra LH says: I await to hear from you
[20:19:15] VHV says: need to go
[20:19:17] VHV says: bye
[20:19:27] Herra LH says: Stay blessed in Jesus name.
[20:19:29] Herra LH says: Bye
[20:19:50] VHV says: thaks and the same to you
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Hahaha, þetta finnst mér mjög gott, virkilega skemmtilegur lestur gaman verður að sjá ef að nígeríusvindlarinn sendi þér eitthvað! :)
Viggó Helgi Viggósson (IP-tala skráð) 11.2.2008 kl. 00:33
skemmtilegir þessir niggarasvindlarar
Tomas e (IP-tala skráð) 11.2.2008 kl. 17:35
Þetta er víst stórhættulegt dæmi, var að lesa um þetta og fólk hefur verið myrt og rænt og annað af þessu liði þarna úti!
Ónefnd (IP-tala skráð) 11.2.2008 kl. 19:28
wow ég var bara í vandræðum með ruslpóstvörnina .. kann ekki reikning greinilega .. hahaa
en já þetta er algjör snilld .. en hvar í ósköpunum fékk hann nafnið þitt? leitaði hann bara að íslending á skype?
og hvernig svindlar hann peninga út með því að fá nafn og allt það? ég bara fatta ekki hvernig svona svindl virka.. en geri mér grein fyrir að þetta er eikka svakalegt svindl..
Þetta er eitthvað svo kjánlegt allt saman.. Hvernig hefuru hugsað þér að redda þér úr þessu öllu? :P bara blokka hann?
Alli Einsa (IP-tala skráð) 12.2.2008 kl. 02:16
Alltaf gaman þegar menn gera grín að Nígeríusvindlurnum. Jón Gnarr ruglaði mikið í einum hér um árið.
Tékkaðu á www.419eater.com
þar eru á ferð mestu snillingar í að táldraga Nígeríusvindlarana. Er viss um að þú getir fengið sniðugar hugmyndir þar.
ormurinn (IP-tala skráð) 13.2.2008 kl. 08:27
Sjaldan hlegið eins mikið og að bréfinu með come intto me ass soon ass possible, algjör brilli.
Sá um þig umfjöllun í 24.
Kv. Sigurgeir Orri
Sigurgeir Orri Sigurgeirsson, 14.2.2008 kl. 00:02
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.