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Rassaskellir og svipuhögg gegn fíkn - ætli Gummi hafi vitað af þessu?

"Whipping therapy cures depression and suicide crises"

Svo hljóðar fyrirsögn úr ekki ómerkara riti en PRAVDA. Greinin er tæplega tveggja ára gömul og í henni er sagt frá niðurstöðu rannsóknar sem bar heitið “Methods of painful impact to treat addictive behavior.”

Grípum niður í greinina:

"Russian scientists recommend the following course of the whipping therapy: 30 sessions of 60 whips on the buttocks in every procedure."

... og litlu síðar: 

”The whipping therapy becomes much more efficient when a patients receives the punishment from a person of the opposite sex. The effect is astounding: the patient starts seeing only bright colors in the surrounding world, the heartache disappears, although it will take a certain time for the buttocks to heal, of course,” Sergei Speransky told the Izvestia newspaper.

... og svo hljóðar niður lagið:

"The revolutionary method may take the Russian healthcare to a whole new level. The method is cheap and highly efficient, as its authors assure. Why not using something more efficient, a rack, for example?"

Ætli Guðmundur hafi ekki bara verið að þróa aðferðir sínar á sjálfum sér, rétt eins og sá rússneski, sbr. þetta:

"The doctor became one of the authors of the shocking whipping therapy. The professor used the self-flagellation method to cure his own depression; he also recovered from two heart attacks with the help of physical tortures too."

Hvar grefur maður þessa vitleysu eiginlega upp?

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Viggó H. Viggósson

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